Ancillary Studies

LASA Ancillary Studies

Several ancillary studies have been performed among subsamples of LASA participants to enrich the data from regular measurement waves, with the purpose to answer specific research questions. For example, a selection of respondents have been followed more regularly across a span of six years (1992-1998), because 3-yearly intervals were deemed too long to capture the natural course of depression.


Diversity of issues

Several other ancillary studies among selections of participants have focused on a diversity of issues, i.e., the structure and function of the social network and their network members, adaptation to widowhood in widowed participants, precursors and consequences of (recurrent) falling, family caregiving to older adults, god image, lifestyle factors, end of life, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, osteoarthritis, loneliness behavior, perceived control in health care, nutrition and food-related behavior, and predictors of hearing help-seeking behavior.

Although participation in one or more of these ancillary studies must have been burdensome to participants, we did not find indications that this has led to increased drop-out later on during follow-up by those who were included in them.

An overview of the ancillary studies conducted in LASA since 1992 is presented below.

Overview of ancillary studies in LASA since 1992

YearAncillary study (duration*)
2020The last three months of life: After-death data from  proxies (2020, 2010, 2000)
2018-19Personal networks in community dwelling older adults 2018-2019 (PDF)
2017MICrobiota, Malnutrition, and Appetite in Community-dwelling older adults 2017-2018 (the MicMAC study) (2 yrs)
2015Accelerometry: Study 4, using Actigraph GT3X by participants of the LASA-study (2 yrs)
2014Nutrition and Food-related behaviour
2014Hearing help seeking (1x)
2014Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (q, 1x)
2013Perceived control in health care and scale
2013Care-related mastery
2012Accelerometry: Study 3, using Actigraph GT3X by participants of the EPOSA-study
2012Care of frail older adults (more information in Dutch, pdf)
2010Hair cortisol
2010Osteo-arthritis (European Study EPOSA, 1-yr follow-up
2010Quantitative ultrasound measurement and fall calendar
2010Accelerometry: Study 2, accelerator measurement of activity (1x)
2010ADHD diagnostic interviews (1x)
2010The last three months of life: After-death data from  proxies (see 2020)
2010Loneliness, age discrimination (self-administered, 1x)
2008Activities partners (q, 3 yrs)
2007Accelerometry: Study 1, using Actigraph GT1M as part of the Lifestyle study (see
2007Lifestyle study (1x)
2005Quality of life (q, 1x)
2005Personality and depression
2005Religion and personality (2x)
2004Self-administered questionnaire general (1x)
2002Retirement (q, 1x)
2001PET, MRI and cognition (1x)
2001Diversity in late life (external link)
2001Family caregiving to older adults (2 yrs)
2000The last three months of life: After-death data from  proxies (see 2020)
2000Transitions in care
2000Falls: prevention of fall accidents
1999Neuropsychology (2x)
1998Hearing (q, 1x)
1998Moving (q, 1x)
1998Friendship (q, 1x)
1998Fast track (documentation in preparation) (1x)
1995Falls and fractures
1992Social network members (LSN Network study) (1.5 yrs)
1992Widowhood (WALS) (5 yrs)
1992Course of depression and anxiety (6 yrs)

q= qualitative stud