J. (Jens) Abbing,
PhDSenior researcher -
A.T.F. (Aartjan) Beekman, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry (Prof.dr.), head of department of Psychiatry Amsterdam UMC/VUmc -
M.I. (Marjolein) Broese van Groenou, PhD
Professor informal care (Prof.dr.) -
D.J.H. (Dorly) Deeg, PhD
Professor emerita Epidemiology of ageing (Prof.dr.) -
K.H. (Kelly) Fredriksen, Msc
PhD student -
M.K.M. (Maura) Gardeniers, Msc
PhD student -
C.A.C. (Chantal) Goossens, Msc
PhD student -
J. (Jaro) Govaerts,
MscPhD student -
L.M. (Liza) de Groot, MSc
PhD Student -
M. (Martin) den Heijer, PhD
Professor of Endocrinology (Prof.dr.) -
M.W. (Martijn) Heymans, PhD
Associate Professor (Dr.) -
T.J. (Tjalling Jan) Holwerda, PhD
Senior researcher