Proposal for data-analysis
Data from the LASA database are available for use for specific research questions provided that an agreement is made up. Research proposals should be submitted to the LASA steering group with an analysis proposal form (Microsoft docx). For Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) a GWAS meta-analysis form (Microsoft doc) should be used. See the forms for conditions. Additionally, in case of external use, a data sharing agreement (DSA) should also be signed. There is a DSA template for use within the European Economic Area (Microsoft docx) and a DSA template for sharing data outside the European Economic Area (Microsoft docx). Please send the form(s) to the research director, prof. dr. M. Huisman by e-mail, and a CC to Fadime Kursun.
Proposal for new blood determinations
Blood is available for new determinations for specific research questions involving interview data from LASA. Research proposals should be submitted to the LASA steering group with an analysis proposal form (Microsoft docx). Additionally, in case of external use a data sharing agreement (Microsoft docx) should also be signed. The steering group will ask the biobank committee for advice. The LASA steering group will make the final decision and informs the researchers. Specific conditions regarding the use of biomaterial are described in the conditions for use of biomaterial form (click here for Dutch (Microsoft doc) or English (Microsoft doc). This form should be signed by the principle investigator and responsible lab employee. Please send the form(s) to the biobank coordinator, dr. N.M. van Schoor by e-mail.
Date of last update: October 29, 2024 (LS)