Quantitative ultrasound measurement and fall calendar (QUS – ancillary study)

Quantitative ultrasound measurement and fall calendar (ancillary study)

Contact: Natasja van Schoor

A subsample of the EPOSA participants (see EPOSA) was invited to take part in a side study funded by BBMRI-NL (Biobanking and Biomolecular Research Infrastructure).

Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) measurements were performed at the G-cycle, in the second cohort only. In addition to the EPOSA participants, a subsample of the remaining LASA participants was invited for this side study (total N = 496). A one-year fall calendar was completed by the majority of the participants (N = 456).

Documentation about these variables can be found in the documentation about falling in theme Physical and the Quantitative ultrasound of bone documentation, also in theme Physical.