Household (nr. of members, composition of household)
LASA filenames:
LASEt601 / LASEt701
Not yet documented.
For further information contact:
LASAB011 / LASAC011 / LASAD011 / LASAE011 / LAS2B011 / LASAF011 / LASAG011 / LASAH011 / LAS3B011 / LASMB011 / LASAI011 / LASAJ011 / LASAK011 (main interview, in Dutch)
Interim measurement:
LASEs801 (questions 2, 2a, 3, 3a in self-admin. questionnaire, in Dutch);
LASEt601 (questions 3, 3a, 4, 4a in self-admin. questionnaire, in Dutch);
LASEt701 (questions 3, 3a, 4, 4a in self-admin. questionnaire, in Dutch)
Variable information
LASAB011 / LASAC011 / LASAD011 / LASAE011 / LAS2B011 / LASAF011 / LASAG011 / LASAH011 / LAS3B011 / LASMB011 / LASAI011 / LASAJ011 / LASAK011;
LASAB211 (specification of household members)
Interim measurement:
estpartn, estchpar, estnuper, estpchil, estpchla, estpsibb, estpothe in LASEs801
eptpartn, eptchpar, eptnuper, eptpchil, eptpchla, eptpsibb, eptpothe in LASEt601
ertpartn, ertchpar, ertnuper, ertpchil, ertpchla, ertpsibb, ertpothe in LASEt701
Availability of information per wave ¹
B | C | D | E | IM* | 2B* | F | G | H | 3B* | MB* | I | J | K | ||
Household (nr. of members) | Ma | Ma | Ma | Ma | Sa Tr Tp | Ma | Ma | Ma | Ma | Ma | Ma | Ma | Ma | Ma | |
Specification of household members | Ma | - | - | - | Sa Tr Tp | - | Ma | Ma | Ma | Ma | - | Ma | Ma | Ma |
¹ More information about the LASA data collection waves is available here.
* IM=interim measurement between E and F (first cohort only);
2B=baseline second cohort;
3B=baseline third cohort;
MB=migrants: baseline first cohort
Ma=data collected in main interview;
Sa=data collected in self-administered questionnaire;
Tr=data collected in telephone interview with respondent;
Tp=data collected in telephone interview with proxy